facial procedures
It is a type of surgery that removes excess skin from the eyelids and fat bags around the eyes.
As we age, the skin of the eyelids becomes flaccid and the muscles that support them weaken, this causes drooping upper eyelids and bags under the eyes, which makes our face look tired or exhausted and can also limit our peripheral vision.

facial procedures
It is the procedure used to reshape the auricle which includes changing its position, size and shape.
It can be performed at any time in life, preferably after 5 years of age and up to adulthood.

facial procedures
It is the procedure through which a stretching or lifting of the skin and the superficial muscle-aponeurotic system of the face is performed, thus eliminating flaccidity and improving the tone, brightness, and contour of the face and neck.
Indicated in patients over 45 years of age, allowing to recover the vitality lost over the years.

facial procedures
It consists of the extraction of bichat fat bags, located on the cheeks, which allows a greater definition of the cheekbones and slenderness of the face.

facial procedures
It is the procedure that allows correcting deformities of the nose, modifying the bone and cartilage structures of the nose to obtain an improvement in facial harmony.
It is a minimally invasive and ambulatory aesthetic procedure in which adipose tissue (fat) is aspirated from the anterior and lateral area of the neck through a cannula, which allows a better definition of the neck and jaw, improving contour and profile. facial.