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Breast Augment

body procedures


Augmentation Mammoplasty is a procedure to enlarge or change the shape of the breasts or breasts, visibly improving their aesthetics permanently, it is achieved with the placement of implants under the pectoral muscle, mammary gland or in an intermediate plane.

Breast Augment procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Breast Lift

body procedures


Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mastoplasty, is the procedure through which it is possible to eliminate excess fat, tissue and skin from the breasts, improving the appearance of the breasts and the discomfort caused by the high weight of the breasts. mammary glands.

Breast Lifting procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Reduccion de Busto

body procedures


Breast lift or mastopexy is a procedure that returns the bust to its natural state, giving the right shape and projection, also improving asymmetry and other imperfections, it can be combined with other procedures such as breast augmentation or reduction.
It is indicated in patients who due to age, pregnancy or weight loss have lost elasticity of the skin.

Breast Reduction procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana

body procedures


It is the procedure by which male breast reduction is achieved that corrects enlarged or excessively developed male breasts.


Flattens and improves the contour of the men's chest.

Gyecomastia procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana

body procedures


It is a procedure that consists of removing the exaggerated excess of skin and body fat in the abdomen, flanks, and lower back, which are produced by significant weight loss due to obesity, multiple pregnancies, and age, a situation that cannot be resolved only with liposuction or abdominoplasty. 

It allows us to correct lateral and posterior deformities of the trunk, which are often associated with abdominal deformities, thus improving body contour in those cases in which there is great skin laxity accompanied or not by fatty accumulation.

Body Lift Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Lipo Sculpture

body procedures


Liposculpture is a surgical procedure performed to eliminate fat deposits located between the skin and the muscle, with the aim of reshaping the body contour.

Liposculpture Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Abdominal Lipectomy

body procedures


Abdominal lipectomy or also known as abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure through which the appearance of the abdominal area is improved. It allows to tighten the muscles, remove excess skin and fat from the front, thus achieving a flatter, firmer abdomen and a reduced waist.

Lipectomy Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Lipo + BBL Transfer

body procedures


Also known as the Brazilian butt lift, a procedure that adds volume and shape to flat or sagging buttocks as a result of genetics, age, or significant weight loss.


2-part procedure as it incorporates liposuction (aspiration of fatty tissue from donor sites) and injection or transfer of the fat cells to achieve amazing results.

BBL Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Tight Lift

body procedures


A thigh lift refers to a variety of operations that remove skin and fat from the upper leg (thigh) area, to improve the contour by removing bulky, loose soft tissue.

Tighs Lifting Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Arm Lift

body procedures


Consists of removing all the skin and hanging fat that exists in the inner area of the arms.


This intervention is normally performed on patients who have lost weight, after obesity treatment or simply because of the passage of time.

A practically imperceptible scar remains.

Arm Lifting Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana

body procedures


It is the best example of combined surgery where several procedures are combined to achieve an amazing result. 


In a single surgical session, correction of the abdomen (through abdominoplasty), correction of the chest (increase, reduction or elevation), and body contouring (through liposuction) is performed.


In this way it is possible to drastically rectify the changes that have occurred in the woman's body.

Mommy Makeover Procedure by Erik Rodriguez Plastic Surgery Tjiuana
Mommy Makeover
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